
How to install System Care Pro PC cleaner?

To properly install System Care Pro PC cleaner, please follow the steps below:
      1. Download System Care Pro PC cleaner. – click here
      2. After the download is complete, click on the downloaded file.
      3. Confirm the terms and conditions by clicking on the "Yes" button.
      4. Let the installation process finish (it might take few minutes).
      5. You are done. Start with scanning automatically.

Cannot download System Care Pro PC cleaner?

If you cannot download System Care Pro PC cleaner from the website, click on the link below.

Download Now

Look for the confirmation button to release the process.

From where can I download System Care Pro PC cleaner?

You can find the latest version of System Care Pro PC cleaner at Just click on the download button and you will automatically download the latest version.

What are the minimal system requirements for System Care Pro PC cleaner?

System Care Pro PC cleaner is compatible with most of the computers and laptops. 512 MB RAM, a 32 or 64-bit versions are the minimum requirement. However, 1 GB memory, a broadband internet connection and the latest Windows update is recommended.

How to uninstall System Care Pro PC cleaner?

In the unlikely event, if you wish to remove our application, you can do it without any hassle.


      1. Click Start in the lower left corner of your screen
      2. From the Programs menu, select System Care Pro.
      3. Select Uninstall.
      4. Follow the on-screen prompts until finished.


      1. Click Start at the lower left corner of your screen
      2. Click on the "Control Panel" menu button
      3. Choose Programs/Uninstall a Software
      4. Mark System Care Pro under the applications list
      5. Choose Uninstall

Registration / Activation:

How to register your System Care Pro PC cleaner?

With simple steps, you can register your System Care Pro PC cleaner.

Click on the register now button. Complete the registration process. A pop up for activation code input will be on the screen. Copy and paste the activation code into the activation box and click on the activate button to complete the process.

Where can I purchase System Care Pro PC cleaner Antivirus?

You can purchase authentic license with us. Call us or email us for the right license.

What is System Care Pro PC cleaner update notification?

System Care Pro PC update notification helps you to know when an update is required. If it is automatically upgraded then a notification will be available.

Where can I find my System Care Pro PC cleaner activation key?

The Activation key/code is on the post-purchase page. It is displayed once your registration process is complete. Moreover, it is sent to your email just in case you need it later on.

I purchased a key but it does not work, why?

In such cases, you can directly contact our representative and we will be glad to solve your issue.

Preliminary troubleshooting

How do I restore registry backups?

Simply click on the .REG file created and select ‘Merge’. These files will be saved into your “My Documents” folder.

Do I need to be an administrator to run System Care Pro PC cleaner?

Yes, you need to be an administrator. However, you can still run this as a normal or restricted user, however, some files may not be deleted.

Can I schedule a PC cleaning scan?

Yes, of course. Simple click on “settings” and then click on “schedule”. You can also select when and how often you need an update.

Can I use my computer during a scan?

Yes, you can easily use your computer while the program will scan and clean the computer on its own. However, it is recommended to review the scan results.

How do I report a problem or suspected bug?

If you encounter an unexpected result or error message, report this to our representative. In order to help us fix the issue, send a detailed description of your computer, problem, error message displayed, and difference in your PC.

Get in touch with us

We love hearing from customers about their feedback and suggestions. We really appreciate you taking the time to connect with us and ask any query you have.
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