Clean registry issues

Clean, repair and optimize Windows registry and stay at bay from crashes and useless errors. No more headache, as you can restore smooth and secure operation. Keep the registry efficient, organized and run applications without a hitch.

Prevent crashes & freezes

Hardware, application software, operating system and external factors lead to frequent crash and freezing. With System Care Pro, you can fix all such bugs including corrupt system files, registry issues, etc.


Organize the contents of hard disk, generate larger regions of free space through advanced disk analysis and defragmentation engine. For enhanced performance and improved productivity, optimize the hard disk.

Easy install

System Care Pro gets installed conveniently in just fraction of minutes. To enable users install it trouble-free, it has no complicated process. Follow the simple steps and save ample time.

Automatic scans

System Care Pro has an inbuilt scheduler that automatically launch registry scan. Without any manual intervention and in-depth knowledge, schedule weekly scans to keep your PC clean and error free.

Boost Startup & Shutdown Speed

Visualize all the programs that attempt to launch on their own at Windows startup. Choose and allow applications that you want to load automatically. This way, upgrade PC boot up & shutdown time.

Computing privacy

The specially designed functionality eliminates cookie files and unwanted temporary files. System Care Pro cleans such invasive and hidden tracking files and removes them to raise privacy of the PC.

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